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beaconstac/NearBee (MobStac Inc.)

⚠️ This tracker signature does not appear in any report in εxodus!
Status Unmatched in εxodus
Creator jawz101
Approver ✔️ stevenxx132
id 077a3536-792d-4db7-bcb6-d68b8b68bbb9
created 2019-04-25T16:46:30.946554+00:00
updated 2023-02-05T11:35:47.234816+00:00
name beaconstac/NearBee (MobStac Inc.)


creation_date 2019-04-25
code_signature co.nearbee
website https://www.beaconstac.com
is_in_exodus False
gradle co.nearbee:nearbeesdk:1.1.7
comments Proximity marketing using beacons, NFC & QR codes A unified yet simple proximity marketing solution to drive smarter location-based marketing & better results Funnel new customers into your business premises, without an app Drive footfalls to your business just by tapping at the storefront, sale signs or digital signage - deliver offers, listings or contact information. Send location-based offers to engage with consumers at the right time Proactively engage with consumers and broadcast relevant deals and product information that help them make smarter decisions.
exodus_matches 0
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