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Status In εxodus
Creator jawz101
id 192256d6-1be5-4bcf-a71e-67525e32aea0
created 2019-07-31T17:53:03.371632+00:00
updated 2020-08-29T06:25:56.878513+00:00
name Kiip

Acquired by NinthDecimal

Kiip is an in-app mobile advertising platform that uses moments to create meaningful customer interactions and generate highly targeted, custom audiences.

creation_date 2019-07-31
code_signature me.kiip.sdk
network_signature kiip\.me
website https://www.ninthdecimal.com/
is_in_exodus True
maven_repository https://dl.bintray.com/kiip/maven/
artifact_id kiip
group_id me.kiip.sdk
gradle me.kiip.sdk:kiip:3.1.0
comments http://docs.kiip.me/en/guide/android.html https://github.com/NinthDecimal https://github.com/kiip
exodus_matches None
Category Advertisement