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Status In εxodus
Creator AndrolyZ
id 1f632175-a670-47cb-b4d7-488f100460d8
created 2018-12-12T22:33:20.224845+00:00
updated 2020-05-31T19:16:05.835717+00:00
name myTarget

myTarget is an advertising platform provided by Mail.Ru Group. It includes all the major social networks on the Runet (Russian-speaking Internet) and services that reach more than 140 million people.

The myTarget Advertising Network allows developers to monetize their websites and mobile apps using myTarget ads. After you have integrated the myTarget SDK, thousands of myTarget customers will become the target audience for your app or website.

creation_date 2018-12-12
code_signature com.my.target.
network_signature .target\.my\.com
website https://target.my.com/
is_in_exodus True
maven_repository https://bintray.com/mytarget/maven/mytarget-sdk
artifact_id mytarget-sdk
group_id com.my.target
gradle com.my.target:mytarget-sdk:5.6.3
comments myTarget mobile advertising will help you find your customers. As the largest source of mobile traffic on the Runet (Russian-speaking Internet), myTarget covers more than 90 million installed apps. https://bintray.com/mytarget/maven/mytarget-sdk https://github.com/myTargetSDK/mytarget-android/
exodus_matches None
Category Advertisement