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Status Waiting for review
Creator jawz101
id 20860baf-05f6-49b5-aaf3-2da60f9ff213
created 2021-07-13T17:02:06.980209+00:00
updated 2023-02-05T11:35:45.516941+00:00
name Datadog

Datadog’s Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you end-to-end visibility into the real-time activity and experience of individual users. It is designed to solve 4 types of use cases for web and mobile applications:

Performance: Track the performance of web pages, mobile application screens, user actions, network requests, and your front-end code. Error Management: Monitor the ongoing bugs and issues and track them over time and versions. Analytics / Usage: Understand who is using your application (country, device, OS), monitor individual users journeys, and analyze how users interact with your application (most common page visited, clicks, interactions, feature usage). Support: Retrieve all of the information related to one user session to troubleshoot an issue (session duration, pages visited, interactions, resources loaded, errors).

creation_date 2021-07-13
code_signature com.datadoghq
network_signature rum-http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com|mobile-http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com|public-trace-http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com
website https://www.datadoghq.com/
is_in_exodus False
artifact_id datadog-api-client
group_id com.datadoghq
gradle com.datadoghq:dd-sdk-android:1.13.0
comments https://github.com/DataDog/dd-sdk-android RUM Monitor : Real User Monitoring https://docs.datadoghq.com/real_user_monitoring/
exodus_matches 2