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Status In εxodus
Creator jawz101
id 29538443-abf6-46a7-b0a2-5e635b08c7d5
created 2019-01-21T04:12:41.846328+00:00
updated 2020-07-13T21:01:35.252095+00:00
name PubMatic

PubMatic is a company which develops and implements online advertising software and strategies for the publishing industry

creation_date 2019-01-21
code_signature com.pubmatic.sdk
network_signature ads\.pubmatic\.com|aktrack\.pubmatic\.com|gads\.pubmatic\.com|image2\.pubmatic\.com|simage2\.pubmatic\.com
website https://pubmatic.com/
is_in_exodus True
maven_repository https://repo.pubmatic.com/artifactory/public-repos
gradle com.pubmatic.sdk:openbid:1.1.0
comments "Our product vision is to provide publishers and buyers with a full advertising technology stack. But the key is that it is not monolithic. Each component of our platform is extensible and customizable, so while you can take it as is, you can also build differentiated offerings. Each product is a separate module that can be swapped in or out as needed – use it all, or just use some – you are in control." https://github.com/PubMatic/pubmatic-sdk-android/wiki https://community.pubmatic.com/display/AS/About+Android+OpenBid+SDK // Integrate only Banner and Interstitial( With MRAID support ) compile 'com.github.PubMatic.pubmatic-sdk-android:banner-sdk:5.3.4' // Integrate only Native compile 'com.github.PubMatic.pubmatic-sdk-android:native-sdk:5.3.4' // Integrate Header Bidding feature compile 'com.github.PubMatic.pubmatic-sdk-android:header-bidding:5.3.4' You can also add options to the app's build.gradle that always use the latest versions of libraries instead of static versions. Again, include only the formats your app will actually use: // Integrate Banner and Interstitial( With MRAID support ) compile 'com.github.PubMatic.pubmatic-sdk-android:banner-sdk:-SNAPSHOT' // Integrate only Native compile 'com.github.PubMatic.pubmatic-sdk-android:native-sdk:-SNAPSHOT' // Integrate Header Bidding feature compile 'com.github.PubMatic.pubmatic-sdk-android:header-bidding:-SNAPSHOT'
exodus_matches None
Category Advertisement