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VKontakte SDK

Status In εxodus
Creator stevenxx132
Approvers ✔️ Lovis_IX
✔️ pnu
id 2f35eae9-5fcd-490a-afc9-3abd2bf8919a
created 2021-02-16T11:59:46.412478+00:00
updated 2021-03-01T08:51:37.783124+00:00
name VKontakte SDK

Library for working with VK API, authorization through VK app, using VK functions.

creation_date 2021-02-16
code_signature com.vk.sdk.|com.vk.api.sdk.
website https://vksdk.github.io/vk-sdk-android/
is_in_exodus True
exodus_matches None
Category Identification