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Status In εxodus
Creator AndrolyZ
id 30ddf071-e3c4-432f-b68a-a7cfe8318a6d
created 2018-09-24T05:28:32.785477+00:00
updated 2020-03-09T18:09:37.273818+00:00
name AdMuing

Video advertising

creation_date 2018-09-24
code_signature com.admuing.danmaku.
website https://github.com/admuing
is_in_exodus True
comments https://github.com/admuing/admuing-android AdMuing is a video advertising Danmaku enhancement tool,Is an open source project created by years of research google & facebbok creative team,The purpose is to change the existing video advertising style is single,the problem of globalization is difficult to solve,With AdMuing, just a few lines of code can make the original video ads more vivid, interesting and interactive,Enhance the quality of developers APP ad, so that video ads more attractive to users.
exodus_matches None
Category Advertisement