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Status In εxodus
Creator jawz101
id 3f727b42-b2fa-4704-87fd-d843c05ef320
created 2018-12-28T23:48:20.363010+00:00
updated 2022-07-25T23:59:28.671291+00:00
name Admixer

Mobile advertising.

creation_date 2018-12-28
code_signature com.admixer|net.admixer.sdk
network_signature admixer\.co\.kr|admixer\.net
website http://admixer.co.kr/
is_in_exodus True
comments AdMixer is our own mobile ad exchange, which is the largest ad exchange in Korea. AdMixer integrated(based on RTB) with various global DSPs and SSPs. It provides user information and traffic in real-time in accordance with supply and demand. Our platform make your premium inventory connect with the largest demand Source and our RTB Exchange delivers higher eCPMs and maximizes your mobile advertising fill-rates.
exodus_matches None
Category Advertisement