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This tracker can be added to εxodus! 🎉
Status Approved
Creator jawz101
Approvers ✔️ Lovis_IX
✔️ stevenxx132
id 44f069e2-c929-4c99-9865-d59d2a3bfc94
created 2020-11-11T17:09:50.317058+00:00
updated 2022-02-03T07:52:10.324772+00:00
name PubNub

In-app Chat & Messaging Engage more users with in-app messaging Chat APIs for experiences that keep users coming back.

Alerts & Notifications Reach your users with push notifications and alerts Get the right information to the right people — at the right time.

Geo / Location Tracking Location tracking for what matters Geolocation APIs to track your fleet’s cars, check on your drivers’ deliveries, provision orders, or even matchmake in dating apps.

Multiuser spaces Get everyone on the same page with shared virtual spaces Bring the team together with virtual classrooms, document collaboration tools, and more.

IoT Device Control Connect and control IoT devices in realtime Device monitoring and device control made simple.

Data Streaming & Dashboards Realtime data streaming turns live data into insights Stream data, create live displays, and enable new data-driven experiences.

creation_date 2020-11-11
code_signature com.pubnub.api.
network_signature .*\.pubnub\.com
website https://pubnub.com
is_in_exodus False
artifact_id pubnub-gson
group_id com.pubnub
comments https://www.pubnub.com/docs/android-java/pubnub-java-sdk https://www.pubnub.com/docs/platform/quickstarts/android https://github.com/pubnub/java/
exodus_matches 684
Category Location