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⚠️ This tracker signature does not appear in any report in εxodus!
Status Unmatched in εxodus
Creator jawz101
Approver ✔️ stevenxx132
id 488683a8-cbea-41b9-a169-998cfc194e7f
created 2018-12-20T23:03:10.241039+00:00
updated 2022-02-03T07:52:10.756420+00:00
name Tapad

Connecting brands to consumers across devices

creation_date 2018-12-20
code_signature com.tapad.adserving|com.tapad.tracking
network_signature analytics\.tapad\.com|assets\.tapad\.com|pixel\.tapad\.com|tapestry\.tapad\.com
website https://www.tapad.com/
is_in_exodus False
comments https://github.com/Tapad
exodus_matches 0
Category Analytics