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GIPHY Analytics

Status In εxodus
Creator pnu
id 50c2894d-c198-4083-a946-e1878474d796
created 2020-05-17T09:00:50.801659+00:00
updated 2022-02-03T08:06:45.578599+00:00
name GIPHY Analytics

GIPHY is now part of Facebook

GIPHY Analytics helps improve your users’ search results and keeps them coming back for more. GIPHY’s Action Register registers each time a user views, clicks, or sends a GIF or Sticker and plays an important role in helping GIPHY improve your user’s search results.

https://developers.giphy.com/docs/api/endpoint#action-register https://developers.giphy.com/docs/sdk/

creation_date 2020-05-17
code_signature com.giphy.sdk.analytics|com.giphy.sdk.tracking
network_signature api\.giphy\.com|pingback\.giphy\.com
website https://giphy.com/
is_in_exodus True
maven_repository http://giphy.bintray.com/giphy-sdk
artifact_id analytics
group_id com.giphy.sdk
gradle com.giphy.sdk:analytics
exodus_matches None
Category Analytics