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Status In εxodus
Creator jawz101
id 58ff3277-cf2b-4687-b40b-d2285405045e
created 2018-04-27T00:53:38.164904+00:00
updated 2020-10-01T07:39:45.518812+00:00
name Apsalar

Mobile attribution and user-level audience management

Apsalar merged with Singular.

creation_date 2018-04-27
code_signature com.apsalar.sdk.
network_signature e-ssl\.apsalar\.com|e\.apsalar\.com
website https://singular.net
is_in_exodus True
comments documentation: https://support.singular.net/hc/en-us/articles/360037581952-Android-SDK-Basic-Integration https://support.singular.net/hc/en-us/categories/360002441132 To get the most out of your first-party data, you need outstanding business and user capabilities. The Apsalar Mobile Marketing Cloud offers everything you need to take your marketing programs to even greater heights. With a data lookback of up to 2 years, and the most advanced cohorting capabilities in the mobile app category, you’ll understand the true business value of your programs, and identify the key characteristics of your best users and customers. Our easy-to-use tools give you the power to both understand your results and formulate plans for future success.
exodus_matches None
Category Advertisement Analytics Profiling