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Status In εxodus
Creator AndrolyZ
id 8f3168d3-8c91-49f4-8457-01a375efb909
created 2018-10-23T15:18:45.957304+00:00
updated 2020-07-13T20:58:47.592951+00:00
name MoEngage

User behavior analysis

creation_date 2018-10-23
code_signature com.moengage.
network_signature apiv2\.moengage\.com
website https://www.moengage.com/
is_in_exodus True
maven_repository https://moengage.bintray.com/android-sdk
artifact_id moe-android-sdk
group_id com.moengage
gradle com.moengage:moe-android-sdk:9.2.03
comments MoEngage is an Intelligent Marketing Cloud, built for the Mobile-first world. With MoEngage, companies can orchestrate campaigns across channels like push, email, in-app messaging, web push and SMS, with auto-optimization towards higher conversions powered by machine learning.
exodus_matches None
Category Analytics