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Apteligent by VMWare (formerly Crittercism)

Status In εxodus
Creator jawz101
id a190d014-1201-4f9b-938a-bf277c315e4e
created 2018-04-27T00:23:31.760901+00:00
updated 2020-07-13T20:24:06.675936+00:00
name Apteligent by VMWare (formerly Crittercism)

Formerly Crittercism

Capture real time event data from key user flows in your app: screen load time, network events, crash reports, and more. Track key metrics, improve your app release-over-release, and focus on issues that matter to your users. Leverage billions of data points about the mobile ecosystem to benchmark your app and make data-driven decisions.

creation_date 2018-04-27
code_signature com.crittercism.app.Crittercism
network_signature api\.crittercism\.com|appload\.ingest\.crittercism\.com|txn\.ingest\.crittercism\.com
website http://www.apteligent.com
is_in_exodus True
artifact_id crittercism-android-agent
group_id com.crittercism
gradle com.crittercism:crittercism-android-agent:+|com.crittercism:crittercism-android-ndk-agent:+
comments Additional links: https://docs.apteligent.com/android/android.html
exodus_matches None