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Heyzap (bought by Fyber)

Status In εxodus
Creator jawz101
id ad45cfac-8368-4ed3-9190-b5c86c215e5a
created 2018-04-27T00:46:42.149522+00:00
updated 2021-12-22T22:09:52.161283+00:00
name Heyzap (bought by Fyber)
creation_date 2018-04-27
code_signature com.heyzap.sdk.ads.|com.heyzap.mediation.
network_signature ads\.heyzap\.com|fyc\.heyzap\.com|img-cloudflare-2\.haizap\.com|img-cloudflare\.haizap\.com|med\.heyzap\.com|x\.heyzap\.com
website https://www.heyzap.com
is_in_exodus True
comments Additional links: https://developers.heyzap.com/docs/android_sdk_setup_and_requirements https://github.com/Heyzap Notes: Since it's a part of Fyber now, I don't know if the code signature and network signature should just be added to Fyber's detections or what. Looks like things used to be here, but no more: https://bintray.com/heyzap
exodus_matches None