Status | Needs rework |
Creator | blaueente |
Approvers |
✔️ Lovis_IX
✔️ stevenxx132 |
id | ae7568dd-0b38-432a-be27-dbebb553658a |
created | 2020-12-04T22:14:30.316240+00:00 |
updated | 2022-05-07T15:40:11.075798+00:00 |
name | Xiaomi Push Service |
creation_date | 2020-12-04 |
code_signature | com.xiaomi.push|com.xiaomi.mipush. |
network_signature | app\.chat\.xiaomi\.net|42\.62\.94\.2|114\.54\.23\.2|111\.13\.142\.2|111\.206\.200\.2 |
website | |
is_in_exodus | False |
api_key_ids | MI_PUSH_APP_ID|MI_PUSH_APP_KEY |
comments | Found in 658 apk of you actual dataset. May be "simply" phone home, and seems to be deactivate in Europe (look at the forum to have your own idea). If this is simply a push library, that does not seem to fit our definition of a tracker. |
exodus_matches | 1573 |
Documentation |
Category | Identification |