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Umeng Mobile tracking SDK

⚠️ This tracker signature does not appear in any report in εxodus!
Status Unmatched in εxodus
Creator blaueente
Approver ✔️ stevenxx132
id b788f5bd-42e1-4d2c-ab95-bb460f19c99d
created 2020-12-04T21:51:04.690493+00:00
updated 2022-02-03T07:52:10.074415+00:00
name Umeng Mobile tracking SDK
creation_date 2020-12-04
code_signature com.umeng.umsdk
website https://developer.umeng.com/docs/119267/detail/118584
is_in_exodus False
api_key_ids UMENG_APPKEY
maven_repository https://dl.bintray.com/umsdk/release
artifact_id common
group_id com.umeng.umsdk
gradle com.umeng.umsdk:common:9.x.x
comments http://developer.umeng.com/sdk
exodus_matches 0