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IBM Digital Analytics

Status In εxodus
Creator AndrolyZ
Approvers ✔️ Lovis_IX
✔️ stevenxx132
id c8a2c6b0-a69d-43db-a73d-b1c0fc17951d
created 2018-12-13T00:06:56.642707+00:00
updated 2021-02-28T14:47:15.237567+00:00
name IBM Digital Analytics
creation_date 2018-12-13
code_signature com.digitalanalytics.
network_signature data\.de\.coremetrics\.com
website https://www.ibm.com/customer-engagement/coremetrics-software
is_in_exodus True
comments IBM Digital Analytics, formerly Coremetrics, is now part of Watson Customer Experience Analytics, a holistic solution that includes both cross-channel journey analytics and customer behavior analytics. With actionable insights on your digital customers across multiple channels, you can deliver more targeted, personalized offers. This solution helps you increase conversions, accelerate customer lifecycle progression and provide higher returns for your marketing dollars. Found 5 times (2020-12-12)
exodus_matches None
Category Analytics