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KakaoTalk Link

This tracker can be added to εxodus! 🎉
Status Approved
Creator blaueente
Approvers ✔️ Lovis_IX
✔️ stevenxx132
id d6ad79f2-700e-4bc0-82d2-cc614f83ce3a
created 2020-12-11T21:13:05.695358+00:00
updated 2022-02-03T07:52:07.591933+00:00
name KakaoTalk Link

KakaoTalk Link enables users to send links from external apps or mobile webpages to KakaoTalk. Custom schemes make it easy to use in any apps.

creation_date 2020-12-11
code_signature com.kakao.kakaolink
network_signature .*kauth\.kakao\.com|.*kapi\.kakao\.com|.*kauth\.kakao\.com|.*wguide\.kakao\.com|.*kauth\.kakao\.com|.*sharer\.kakao\.com
website http://www.kakao.com/services/api/kakao_link_en
is_in_exodus False
comments I guess this only connects when the user is sharing anything, thus I am unsure if it counts as a tracker. On the other hand, if something would connect to facebook, I'd always classify as a tracker found 349 times (2020-12-12)
exodus_matches 462