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Status Waiting for review
Creator jawz101
Approver ✔️ stevenxx132
id dbd0ee7b-0dee-45c7-8327-fb776e66ea10
created 2019-01-21T00:42:10.114242+00:00
updated 2022-06-28T20:22:01.129740+00:00
name Crownpeak

This is a weird one because it's got so many names tied to it. Seems like their schtick is to tell you if any of your other trackers are non-GDPR compliant or slow down your app or webpage, and show you their better ads I guess.

https://github.com/Crownpeak/AppNotice_Triangle_android_aar https://github.com/Crownpeak/AppNoticeIAB_Triangle_android https://bintray.com/ghostery/maven

com.evidon.privacy.appnoticesdk AppNoticeSDK

com.evidon.privacy.appnoticeiabsdk AppNoticeIABSDK

creation_date 2019-01-21
code_signature com.evidon.
network_signature c\.betrad\.com
website https://www.crownpeak.com/
is_in_exodus False
maven_repository https://github.com/Crownpeak/DXM-SDK-Core
comments Increase online conversions and ad revenue Had a look to the Android sample but can tell what it doing. Btw only 2 apk use on 2020-12-12
exodus_matches 4