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Amazon GameCircle

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Status Missing signature
Creator hc
Approvers ✔️ jawz101
✔️ Lovis_IX
id e89c764a-e817-44c6-9aa4-9fd3961b6120
created 2020-03-09T12:03:28.337534+00:00
updated 2021-10-03T17:26:18.804264+00:00
name Amazon GameCircle

The Amazon GameCircle SDK offers achievements, leaderboards, and saved game syncing across multiple devices.

creation_date 2020-03-09
website https://www.developer.amazon.com/gamecircle
is_in_exodus False
comments https://web.archive.org/web/20171208071340/https://www.developer.amazon.com/gamecircle GameCircle is not allowed for new app after September 4th, 2018: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/gamecircle/faq-gamecircle.html
exodus_matches None
Category Analytics Identification